26 Apr David Papier – 69 Years Old – USA
Review: My name is David Papier. My career since the 1970’s has been ESL/EFL. I have just returned to the US from a month of volunteering in Jose Abrego’s after-school English program for local kids in the small town of Pedasi, Panama. Jose really wants to help his country and believes he can do so by exposing boys and girls not only to English, but to basic art, music and ecology, topics that they probably don’t get much of in public school. He has teachers who come occasionally to do activities with the kids in these areas, and also has an assistant who comes regularly to start the program off with simple yoga and relaxation exercises. The kids love her; they come to the program eagerly (and often early) because they clearly feel comfortable in Jose’s house and with his friendly dog and cat. I found working with the kids a lot of fun; the emphasis is on games and other light activities involving English. The teaching is just a few days a week, so volunteers can travel on weekends; Jose knows the area and will help with plans. I strongly encourage people to join in Jose’s program and help him achieve his goal, for he will go to great lengths to ensure that visiting volunteers have comfortable living in his house and a rewarding experience.
Program lenght: 4 Weeks
Accommodation: 5 Stars
Meals: 5 Stars
Teaching-Experience: 5 Stars
Weekend plans: 5 Stars
Impact community: 5 Stars
Favorite Destination in Panama: Pedasi, Panama
Recomend?: yes
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